Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Creative Study Habits

*Editor's note: Sometimes it is important
to take a break from studies and be a little silly.
Today's student guest post is by Isaac "Tree" Russell. He is in his second year of the MDiv program. Tree is the Youth Pastor at Aylesford Baptist Church. He currently lives in Wolfville, NS.

Hello everyone,

I would like to take a moment to share my study methods and ways I've personally found to be successful to me for studying. There are three components of studying for me which, when blended together, create a solid study recipe anyone can digest. The components are the right place,
the time, and the items in place.

Start with the right place. It's important to find or choose a place where interruptions can be kept to a minimum. Also free your area from distractions. Facebook, cell, turn the TV off, your cat, game boy, makeup, etc. You want to have a place where free thoughts can be embraced, information can be retained, and ideas can be formed. So selection of the right place is a must.

Secondly, the time is important. I personally don't do well studying late into the evening. I'm most certainly not going to judge you if that's your thing. Find what works for you and go with it. I personally like 6:30am-11:30am (with a few 20 min breaks slipped in there for good measure) & 3:30-8:30pm. I try to stay away from noon-2:30, because I've found myself to be most tired and struggling to stay focused. That is not to say it can't be done if that's your sweet spot! So the time of the day is important.

Lastly, the items in place. This is where it varies for everyone — it is like adding raisins or chocolate chips to your cookies, everyone has different tastes. My favourite concoction would be a vibrantly dancing Lava-lamp (like the one we all had in grade 8), a freshly brewed java/tea, a nice scented candle, and if it won't cause a distraction, perhaps light music but with little to no words. Also, light can be important. You don't want it too dim as that can strain your eyes, but too bright isn't good either.  Lighting is a trial and error type of deal.

All in all, there is a creative side in all of us. Stand up, dance, and yell something from your heart. Then bam. You'll be set!  Try new things and see what works and what is just a hindrance.

Wishing y'all a blessed semester and Christmas break.


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